Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Directed by Chris Columbus
Written by Steve Kroves/J. K. Rowling
Starring: Daniel Radcliffe/Emma Watson/Rupert Grint/Tom Felton/Richard Graves
Genre: Fantasy/Adventure
Production country: United Kingdom/United States
Language: English
Release date: 2003-01-24(China Mainland) / 2024-10-18(China Mainland re-release) / 2002-11-15(UK/US)
Running Time: 161 minutes / 174 minutes (extended version)

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Synopsis
Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) returns to Hogwarts to study magic after his vacation. A house-elf named Dobby warns Harry not to return to Hogwarts or he will be in great danger. Harry disobeys Dobby and returns to Hogwarts. Soon, a series of strange things happened at Hogwarts: students were petrified one after another, and the reason was never found. Harry kept hearing a strange noise coming from the walls.
Legend has it that there is a secret chamber at Hogwarts that records the secrets of Voldemort’s youth and that only a Slytherin can open it. Harry accidentally discovered that he could understand snakes, and it was rumored that Harry had opened the Chamber of Secrets. Was the danger Dobby was referring to hidden in the Chamber of secrets?

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