Directed by Stanley Kubrick
Written by Arthur C. Clarke/Stanley Kubrick
Starring: Kyle Dula/Gary Lockwood/William Sylvester/Daniel Richter/Leonard Losett
Genre: Sci-fi/Thriller/Adventure
Production country: United Kingdom/United States
Language: English/Russian
Release date: 1968-04-02(Washington premiere) / 1968-05-12(UK)
Running time: 149 minutes

2001: A Space Odyssey Synopsis
The film is a philosophical masterpiece that Kubrick spent four years making. A large black stone stands in front of prehistoric humans who were just beginning to understand tools and reach a milestone in their evolution. The same black stones also appear in many places in the universe, they stand on the moon, floating in space, with some mysterious meaning.
The time is 2001, in order to find the root of the black stone, humans carried out a Jupiter landing plan. On board are three hibernating astronauts, Captain David (Keir Dullea), Frank pilot (Gary Lockwood), and a highly intelligent computer called “HAL9000”. HAL deranged during the space flight, killing Frank and three of the hibernators, leaving Berman to battle the computer.
When David came back from the death line, he shut down the main brain system, and HAL was completely disabled. Now, David is alone in the universe, heading for Jupiter. Through the spectacular stargate, David seems to be going to a strange time and space, where the endless cycle of human life and death and the ultimate knowledge of the universe…